The Age of Madness

Search for People Executed in the French Revolution 1792-1796

updated 10 Jun 2024

Search the Database for Your French Ancestors

You Will Need an Online Translator!

  • Enter name to search, & click the magnifying glass
  • Click on a Name in Results Page
  • Form Page will pop-up
  • All recorded information will be displayed
  • Not sure of the spelling? Enter the first 3 letters
  • This is a MASSIVE ONGOING PROJECT (check back regularly)

This is what you may find

What you need to know

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Age
  • Profession & Position
  • Military
  • Place of Birth (village & department)
  • Place of Residence (village & department)
  • Charges against the Accused
  • Date of Trial & Execution
  • Town or Department of Trial & Execution
  • Extra info

  • This is a MASSIVE ONGOING PROJECT (check back regularly)
  • All the data is in French (you’ll need an online translator)
  • There will be mistakes of spelling, or French cities in wrong departments (ex: Lyon in department of Seine)
  • The database is from 1792-1796
  • Blanks fields means there was no recorded information
  • ‘Natif’ doesn’t necessarily mean a person was born in that town (ex: natif de Nismes, but né Lyon, Rhône)
  • Last names (nom) can have slight spelling variations. (Ex: Clavier/Claviere/Clavierre)


Names Beginning with:
A, B, E, F, I, J, K, N, O, Q, U, V, W, Z

Partially Completed:

Names Beginning with:
T, C, D, G, H, L, M, S

Source and Citations: Prudhomme, L. M. (1796). Dictionnaire des individus envoyés à la mort judiciairement: révolutionnairement et contre-révolution, pendant la révolution France  Tome Premier (Volumne I ) & Tome II (volumne II )Google Books

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